Week 1 – 2019 – Tamsin

Today we learnt about variables and how they can be like collections and shopping lists how they store things. We also learnt that green spaces are clues or hints.

We learnt that the robot reads the instructions that we give it and that it follows the black line. To make it follow the black line it reflects the black and white and finds the middle of it. You have to use the variables to make it do so.

In the green square, which is a chemical spill, there is a person that needs to be saved but is too dangerous for a person to go in so we programmed the robot to save the person without the person falling over and get it back to safety.

To get to the person in the chemical spill it uses the ultrasonic sensor to locate the position of where it is, It knows the area of the spill due to the colour of the block detected by the colour sensors.