Week 14 – James – 2019

Hi guys. This will be the last time I blog about the line follower.

I am very happy with my code and it works all the time. I feel very confident about the competition and I hope I’ll do really well.

On the competition day I won’t have Dad to give me things to think about so I’ll have to work by myself. I’m OK about that though.

I did another run through on my main code for the competition and it worked. The reason I did a double check was if somehow the robot failed on competition day we would not finish the course.

That’s all for today so I’ll now leave you with my next steps, word and phrase of the day.

Indolence: Avoidance of activity or exertion; laziness

A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new – Albert Einstein

Next steps: To figure out a Rubic cube using the Mindstorm
