Week – 10 – Tamsin – 2019

This week at coding we didn’t really do anything to make many changes. But we still did some. Now my code stops on green and grey .It now goes over the ramp without a little push over the little bump. Which there is a little bump when you first go onto the ramp.

This week there won’t be a picture because we didn’t really change our code and so we didn’t need to upload a picture and that means that the Blog will be a bit short today so I’m trying to make it as long as I can.

So this week the robot did everything I basically need it to. So, next week I will be working on making the stop on Green a little sharper and the robot to stop on the grey quicker and make the robot go faster and still work around the sharp corners.

This week Coding was a lot harder to do 11 students so I’m trying to make the best of next week trying to get ready for the competition because I am going to be away in America so I have to do my blog really early next week so I’m going to try and get really good as well.

Week 9 – 2019 – Tamsin

This week at coding I finished my basic line following code and made the robot go over the ramp. At first it was hard and I couldn’t figure out how you could actually do it. So then I asked Sara for help and then it all fell into place.

Here is my code it’s made up of variables and comments for the variables. The variables hold things and the comments remind or tell you what is happening in the code. These will help you along the way. Here is my code.

As you can see I put in some math blocks these are here for making one wheel go backwards and one will go forwards that’s the minus is on the left side on the plus is on the right that goes for both of them except the top one is flipped around the other way .

As you can see this week at coding I made a big difference As you can see I finished my line following code . It was really fun at coding this week because last week we had to build the robot to make it so that it doesn’t go on the ramp wrong so we didn’t have that much time last week and this week we did So yeah I had a lot of fun.

Week 8 – 2019 – Tamsin

This week at coding we found a ramp that Mrs Bennett made for us. So we tried our line following program on it . The line following program didn’t work because the sensors were reading a lower intensity . That made the robot think it was on black and It turned in circles.

Then we had to pull apart the robot and pull the senses up a little bit so that took a chunk of our time away. In the end we finally got to the robot to work on the ramp but then we had to take it all apart again and put it out how it was normally set up so that we could do our coding on it. Here is some of my finished work that I have set up.

This week at coding I had a lot of fun but we didn’t get that much time to finish our coding but I finished mine because I had worked on it the previous week and now it works but we didn’t have that much time to finish

Week 7 – 2019 – Tamsin

This week at coding Sara and I finished our straight line following code here it is.

To finish my code from last week I did some research and noticed that I needed variables so I added just a couple of variables but I had no idea what to do with them

To solve this problem I looked at some of last years coders line following work and they for one had heaps of variables and two had heaps of code inside of ‘My Variables’

I also had a hard time knowing what the word threshold meant so I had to look it up and to me it meant a value that had to be met.

This week I had a fun time at coding and I was so excited that my code finally worked. I was stoked .

Week 6 – 2019 – Tamsin

This week at coding first of all Sara and I had to watch a really long video as well as reading all of last years coders blogs about what we did this week.

So this week we tried to make the robot go in a straight line using both motors. To follow the black line around a corner you have to use a lot of blocks to do so. It is very hard.

At first I thought it was going to be easy but after I finished what looked like my code, when I tried to turn it on it just went round and round and round in circles .

In the end we did not get the robot to go in a straight. Line this week we had a lot of fun at robotics

Week 5 – 2019 – Tamsin

This week at coding we coded a line follower that wiggled when it moved to do this you have to get a loop block and inside the loop you put a true or false block in the true you put turn right if finds black ,in the false you put turn left if does not find black.

To do this it takes a bit of time. It took me and Sara a million times to get it right mostly we just changed the speed and the angle of turn

This week I was really busy, I wrote my blog and then it got deleted, I tried to redo it but I ran out of time.

Week 4 – 2019 – Tamsin

This week at coding I learnt alot about code and how to do it so let’s get into what I now know and what I learnt.

So, this week I learnt how to make the robot wiggle 5 times. To make the robot do so you have to read the instructions below.

1st you put the speed to as high as you like. 2nd on the next speed block put minus the same speed. 3rd you put how many turns. I put 0.125. 4th repeat steps 1-4. 5th get a loop and put everything inside it

For the next code I made the robot wiggle on green. For this I used my wiggle code put it in the true for the switch block and added a steering block but only used it for going straight until it finds green.

This week coding was fun. We learnt a lot of stuff this week. I did my work a lot faster so i could get more stuff done and it worked so I will do that next week too.

Week 3 – 2019 – Tamsin

Hello this week we made the robot stop on green and if it doesn’t find green it keeps going until something gets in its way or its battery runs out here are some pictures of my code.

We also changed last weeks code because it was so slow we wanted to speed it up a little so we did some work it was fun.

We figured out that if you half your wheel spins and that if you have one wheel at the speed of 40 and the other wheel going -40 instead of 0 it moves and turns faster

This week was so fun we did mostly our own code and hardly used Richs’ help. Can’t wait until next time because it was so fun this time and I hope it will be fun next time to.

Week 2 – 2019 – Tamsin

This week Sara and I did a challenge to make the robot turn in a square.

This is the instructions we were given

Step 1 : Go Forward 25 cm

Step 2 : Turn left 90 degrees

Step 3 : Repeat steps 1 and 2 three more times

This is a sample of our code we used below.

We tried a few times but the robot failed to turn the correct angle so we adjusted the code a few more times.

We changed the angle by little bit more each time until we had the correct code to make it work.

It was really fun trying to make the robot turn in a square, I enjoyed it so much I can’t wait until the next coding lesson.

Week 1 – 2019 – Tamsin

Today we learnt about variables and how they can be like collections and shopping lists how they store things. We also learnt that green spaces are clues or hints.

We learnt that the robot reads the instructions that we give it and that it follows the black line. To make it follow the black line it reflects the black and white and finds the middle of it. You have to use the variables to make it do so.

In the green square, which is a chemical spill, there is a person that needs to be saved but is too dangerous for a person to go in so we programmed the robot to save the person without the person falling over and get it back to safety.

To get to the person in the chemical spill it uses the ultrasonic sensor to locate the position of where it is, It knows the area of the spill due to the colour of the block detected by the colour sensors.