Week 1 – 2019 – Sara

Today was the first time we were at robotics class, by we I mean James, Tamsin, Oliver and Me. Tamsin and I are both new to it this years but the boys were there last year. We pretty much did the basics today, we checked out how the one sensor line follower is different to the two sensor (the two sensor makes it wiggle less)

We did some pseudocode on the robot following lines and using the sensors to find the can ( the person who needs to be rescued). We also learnt how to use the robot (turning it on, selecting the right code, ect.) We used some of Josh’s codes from last year just to see how it works and then next week I think will start doing our own codes.

By using light reflection it seems easy enough to tell the difference of when the robot is on a black surface or a white surface, on a white surface about 80% of light is reflected back, on a black surface its only about 10%, it can also tell the difference between green and silver. None of these colours reflect back the same amount of light that’s why its easy to tell the difference between one another.

We also looked at the Ultrasonic Sensor, its used to detect objects by using sound waves. It sends out a wave until it hits something and comes back to the sensor, therefor detecting how far away that object is. The speed of sound is 343 metres per second, so all this happens pretty fast.

Ok bye, I’ll write again next week…