Week 9 – 2019 – Tamsin

This week at coding I finished my basic line following code and made the robot go over the ramp. At first it was hard and I couldn’t figure out how you could actually do it. So then I asked Sara for help and then it all fell into place.

Here is my code it’s made up of variables and comments for the variables. The variables hold things and the comments remind or tell you what is happening in the code. These will help you along the way. Here is my code.

As you can see I put in some math blocks these are here for making one wheel go backwards and one will go forwards that’s the minus is on the left side on the plus is on the right that goes for both of them except the top one is flipped around the other way .

As you can see this week at coding I made a big difference As you can see I finished my line following code . It was really fun at coding this week because last week we had to build the robot to make it so that it doesn’t go on the ramp wrong so we didn’t have that much time last week and this week we did So yeah I had a lot of fun.