Week 8 – 2019 – Sara

Hey again…

Unlike lasts weeks blog this is going to be short. At robotics this week we were working on how to get the robot to go up and down the ramp. You may think, oh that’s easy, but it’s not. Why? Because when the robot starts going up the shadow of the robot gets in the way making it reflect back less light, and when the robot starts coming down the sensors get too big and cover up the black line.

Our first idea was too dismantle the robot and put the sensors a bit higher, but that didn’t work because that just made the sensors even bigger. So we had to dismantle it again and rebuild it the normal way.

Our next idea was that, when the robot started going up the ramp it would reflect less light due to shadows, that meant that in our code where we told the robot to stop when both sensors detected less then 40 the robot would stop at the bottom of the ramp. To fix this problem all we had to do was change that piece of code telling the robot it should keep going when it detected less than 40 on both sensors.

But that brought on a new problem, after the robot had gone over the ramp it would still follow lines but when it got to the silver part it just kept going and wouldn’t stop. That’s what we’ll have to figure out next time, how to make the robot stop after it has gone over the ramp.

Hope next time we figure this problem out, bye…