Week 3 – Oliver

Today at coding we discussed pseudocode.

Pseudocode is like a simpler form of any programming language, used by programmers to picture in their mind what they want the robot to do.

We were given examples of “How to make a Peanut Butter and Jam Sandwich.” We had to give very detailed examples, or something would go wrong.

Sandwich pseudocode example.

We were also given a pseudocode example to try out on the EV3. The steps were:

  1. Move forward 4 wheel rotations
  2. Turn left 90 degrees.
  3. Repeat steps one and two 3 more times.

It was a lot harder than we expected it to be and required a lot of trial and error. Eventually, we decided to use Port View to get an accurate result, but even that wasn’t perfect. Our result for the turning was 210±5 rotational degrees (allowing for the wheels to slip slightly).

The final result.

WORD(S) OF THE DAY: REVERSE POLISH NOTATION. A way of doing mathematical equations without the need of brackets.

Example: 1 3 6 12 9 + is equal to 31.