Week 3 – Josh

This week we discussed what pseudocode is and what it can do for us as programmers.  Pseudocode is what coders use to plan or explain an idea without actually coding it.  An example is if I wanted to make my robot go forward and then flash its lights blue and red.  This could help a fellow coder understand what I am trying to achieve while I have a clear plan in front of me.  We then look at the Peanut Butter and Jelly example and discussed what we could do to refine it and make it better.

Goal: Robot needs to go once around a square box. It starts at the line and faces north.  It will end on the line facing north.
Step 1: Go forward 10 inches
Step 2: Turn left 90 degrees
Step 3: Repeat steps 1 and 2 three more time.
We then attempted to code the EV3 to do this task.  It was actually an extremely difficult task.  As we had to figure out through guess and check how many rotations the wheel had to do, to do 90 degrees.  But now we have this information we can keep reusing it.  This will be very important information.
Our Mindstorm Adventures continue.