Week 1 – Josh

This week was partly about observing the Mindstorm and getting the software up and running.

We got the domain name off an American website.  We all wrote down some ideas for our domain name.  We decided on mangorei.roboteam.space.  A nice name for our group.  We searched up on the American website our idea and we could get it.  Richard brought it and as the admin gave us all accounts.

We are using WordPress to run our blog/website.

Today we downloaded the mindstorms EV3 software for the educational version.  We then looked at the code Richard wrote for the reflection line follower.  We observed the way the Mindstorm went around the maze.

We made some adjustments to get the sensor to the middle of the robot to make an equilateral triangle between the two wheels and the sensor.

Next week we will look at the coding side of things.

What a great start to our Mindstorm adventures.