Week 9 – Rich

The children have been finding the actual rescue part of the challenge… pretty challenging!  They all have different ideas as to how to approach the task from simple (KISS) to more complex involving some maths and angles.  So far, none of them have got an entirely working solution 🙂

I was hoping to have a go at it myself, in parallel with the children, but their need for help during the class has overridden my desire to have a go too.  So, I’ve found a quiet slot in my week to sit quietly and at least write some pseudocode for how I might approach it.  I’ve written it in a way which should be fairly easily translated into the EV3 block language.

I’ve also been looking for a way to embed code into WordPress without using a plugin like Syntax Highlighter which hasn’t been updated in quite a long time.  After a bit of research, I settled on using Gists in my Github account and embedding that.  It seems to work quite nicely 🙂